This is the place for kids. The Rez is located in a community of families and has become a parish of families. We’re totally committed to supporting the spiritual formation of kids, teens, and their parents and caregivers. Check out Rez Kids for more information on our family ministry. We have a full children’s program Sunday mornings at the 10:30 am service, with Rez Babies (0-2 years), Rez Kids (preschool-grade 5), and Youth of the Rez (grades 6-8) and Crossfire Youth (grades 9-12) gathering together for worship, teaching, and, of course, good fun. For more information on Rez KidsĀ contact Kim Williams. For more information on Youth of the Rez, contact Alan Beattie or contact pastor duke duke[dot]vipperman[at]sympatico[dot]ca