I need prayer for myself or someone else: what can I do?
Every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM (in the office at the top of the stairs by the Sanctuary) before the 10:30 service, and again at noon (at the communion rail) after the service, our prayer team is available to intercede for you in prayer.
Our prayer chain provides support in prayer, no matter how great or small the request. If you have a prayer request or want to know more about our prayer chain, please contact Duke or call the church office at 416-425-8383. All requests are held in confidence.
I think I need someone who I can talk to: can you help?
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one Christian caring ministry for persons in any need: it is for someone to talk to and pray with or for people in times of loneliness, grief, illness, crisis, or stress. Lay people receive extensive training, are carefully supervised, and are committed to observing confidentiality.
Have other questions? Click the image below for a document with more info on prayer, Stephen Ministry, and Spiritual Direction.